Copytrade our Experts
Automated Trading for Huge Potential Profits
Our CopyTrade feature allows you to copy our Experts so you never have to manually place trades. It is 100% automatic
Earn like a professional trader!
You don't need to be a professional trader to succeed with us! Earning income could not be easier, your own money in your own account and mirroring our success. Stay connected 100% of the time and trade while you are working, sleeping, travelling, or just watching the markets!
Automated Trading for Huge Potential Profits
Our dedicated team will be at hand to help you have EVERYTHING you need to start generating automated trading profits!
Trade just like the Experts with PROPORTIONAL amounts so even the smallest accounts can benefit while providing similar performance between copier and copied trader.
Full Transparency & Full Control!
Our pro service is specifically designed for those without the time to trade themselves and/or with smaller accounts who want to take advantage of our lucrative copytrade service.
Weekly Target 100 - 150 Pips*
100% Automated
Full Control & Transparency
Trading activity for our pro + service is based on our highly successful PRO + Trade alert service in addition to other opportunities our traders may detect in the course of our trading sessions.
Weekly target 250 - 300 pips*
100% Fully Automated
Full control & Transparency
Access to pro trade alert service
Trading activity for our Gold service is based on our highly successful GOLD Trade alert service in addition to other opportunities our traders may detect in the course of our trading sessions.
Weekly target 400 - 500 pips*
100% Fully Automated
Full control & Transparency
Access to pro trade alert service
*Targets are indicative and should not be seen as a guarantee. Past performance does not determine future results. Winners Table takes no responsibility for losses incurred as a result of using this service.